Europe in Film

The City of Frankfurt am Main’s Coordination Office for EU Affairs is on a mission to bring the vibrant spirit of the “European city” Frankfurt more visible while making the European Union more approachable to its residents. To make this happen, they’ve joined hands with the DFF to present a curated collection of films with a European flair right up until the 2024 European elections. Join council member Eileen O’Sullivan and the Coordination Office for a short film program at the DFF cinema, followed by a film discussion.

About the short film program:
Young Voices for Europe: Almost 30 students from German-speaking film schools and young film makers have embarked on a journey through Europe. In twelve exciting projects, the film teams search for insights into a wide variety of topics. Their work reflects the voices and feelings of a young generation. It discusses migration, freedom, boundaries, human rights, and equality, and also includes the effects of the current crisis caused by the Corona pandemic. Find an overview of all short films here.

In collaboration with:

Tuesday  12.03.2024

18:00 Uhr


Deutschland 2020. R: Div. ca. 100 Min. DCP. Dt. OF/OmU
Filmreihe: Europa im Film

Junge Stimmen für Europa: Knapp 30 junge Filmemacher:innen und Studierende deutschsprachiger Filmhochschulen haben sich auf eine Reise durch Europa begeben. In zwölf spannenden Projekten gehen die Filmteams auf Spurensuche zu unterschiedlichsten Themen. Ihre Arbeiten spiegeln Stimmen und Gefühle dieser jungen Generation, die über Flucht, Freiheit, Grenzen, Menschenrechte und Gleichberechtigung spricht und auch die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie thematisiert.