LöwenSTARK – Der Bildungskick

“LöwenSTARK – Der Bildungskick” is a program launched by the state of Hesse to help children and young people in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 school years, including the school holidays, to cope with the Corona crisis. A total of around 150 million euros will be made available for this purpose, half of which will be provided by the State of Hesse from the Corona Special Fund and half by the Federal Government through the action program “Catching up after Corona for children and young people”. A wide range of measures with various cooperation partners such as universities, foundations, educational institutions, clubs and associations contribute to a broad range of school and extracurricular activities.

The DFF – Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (German Film Institute & Film Museum) also offers a rich program in the field of film and cultural education, which can be easily booked by schools through a cooperation between the Ministry of Culture and the DFF. The activities are free of charge. The number of tickets is limited.

For more detailed information, see the German version of this page.

Contact LUCAS:
Simon Schmidt
+49 69 961 220 672

Further information at lucas-filmfestival.de