Sponsorship & Partnerships

Looking for a gift that makes a difference? Want to share your passion for film? Give the gift of an annual membership to the friends or the Patrons Circle of the DFF or become a member yourself.

Interested in advertising your company in the DFF? Give your company an additional profile in the public eye and present yourself together with your multifaceted commitment to film culture in the DFF.

Move film culture in Frankfurt together with us

The DFF offers individuals and companies several ways to get involved.

Sponsor selected screenings at the DFF cinema with your company or invite your employees to events in a cinematic setting.

As an individual, we encourage you to support the DFF’s mission and help us keep film culture alive in all its diversity.

Through your membership, you can support the targeted acquisition of exhibits and archival material, as well as exceptional film series that are particularly costly due to high film rental fees or complicated logistics.

How can I support?

All corporate sponsorship opportunities can be found here.
Here you can find more information about the Patrons Circle and the
friends of the DFF.

You can also support us with the purchase of movie vouchers.

Photo of the facade of DFF
Caroline Link visits DFF

Oscar-winning director Caroline Link (“Nowhere in Africa”) is patron of the friends of DFF.