ViCTOR-E Project


Now online!

Online exhibition FRAMES OF RECONSTRUCTION about European reconstruction in documentary film. An exhibition of the international research project ViCTOR-E with the participation of the DFF.

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The European research project “VICTOR-E: Visual Culture of Trauma, Obliteration and Reconstruction in Post-WW II Europe“, which was launched in May 2019 and ran for 3 1/2 years, examined the debate on reconstruction in post-1945 Europe based on newsreels and documentary films from the years 1949 to 1953. The hypothesis on which the project was based is that these films not only presented the development, but also contributed to the debate, since in democracy public spaces are of central importance, and thus also their presentation in the media.

Coordinated by the Goethe University (Frankfurt/Main), research institutions in Italy, France and the Czech Republic participated in the EU-funded project. Associated partners of ViCTOR-E were film archives from the same countries, including the DFF, which gave access to their holdings and collections to the researchers and – where legally possible – digitized parts of them and made them available online.

In addition to making selected films available via the online portal, a key result of ViCTOR-E is the online exhibition FRAMES OF RECONSTRUCTION that presents research results and contextualizes films – for example with the help of interviews with contemporary witnesses.

Contact DFF

Julia Welter

Project Coordination Goethe University

Andrea Haller
Phone: +49 (0)69 – 798-32686


Online Exhibition:
Project website:
Collection with films about reconstruction in Europe:
Collection with films about reconstruction in Germany:

Podcasts in German

Podcast #InsideAkademie der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz
Die Filmwissenschaftler Vinzenz Hediger und Johannes Rhein im Gespräch
Zum Podcast

DFF-Podcast “Alles ist Film”
Die Filmwissenschaftler Vinzenz Hediger, Johannes Praetorius-Rhein und die DFF-Mitarbeiterin Julia Welter im Gespräch mit Tobias Hüser (DFF)

Logo Victor E

VICTOR-E is funded by the HERA Joint Research Programme which is co-funded by BMBF via DLR-PT, CAS, ANR, MIUR and the European Commission through Horizon 2020.